Our Mission

The Jagannath Cow Care initiative, led by ISKCON Mayapur, is dedicated to establishing a retirement haven for our beloved aging cows in Rajapur. Cows hold a sacred place in our temple, and their well-being remains at the forefront of our activities. In India, most Vaishnava temples maintain their own Goshala, where these cows are lovingly tended to.

These cows not only provide pure milk for the worship of Sri Sri Radha Madhava, but their male progeny also play an important role in various agricultural operations, assisting us through their diligent work. Our devoted team of volunteers dedicatedly tends to all their needs. As these cows and bullocks gracefully age, we transition them to this retirement home, where they can spend their golden years in the serene company of our senior herd.

The Jagannath Cow Care Project marks the second phase of development for Sri Mayapur Goshala. Our primary goal is to expand our cow protection program and enhance our services. With your support, we can accomplish several objectives that are vital to our mission.

One of our key objectives is to ensure a steady supply of ahimsa milk to Rajapur Jagannatha. By providing milk from our protected cows, we aim to ensure that the deity offerings and Bhoga are prepared with the utmost purity and sanctity. This initiative allows us to maintain the highest standards of devotion and reverence in our worship.

Additionally, the Rajapur Goshala will serve as a secure shelter for our beloved Mayapur herd during seasonal floods. We understand the challenges posed by these natural calamities, and it is our duty to provide a safe haven for them.

One of our core principles is to ensure the well-being of our aging senior herd. These cows have served selflessly throughout their lives, and it is our responsibility to provide them with a peaceful and comfortable environment during their retirement years. With the establishment of the Jagannath Cow Care in Rajapur, we can create a retirement home specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of our senior cows.

Furthermore, the Rajapur Goshala will play a crucial role in freeing up space in Mayapur, allowing us to enrich and scale up our bullock program. By relocating some of our cows to Rajapur, we can expand our efforts to train and utilize bullocks for various agricultural activities. This expansion will not only enhance our self-sustainability but also promote eco-friendly practices in harmony with nature.

As we embark on this transformative journey to build an ideal cow protection project in Mayapur, we humbly request your support in funding various key areas of the project. Your generous contributions will enable us to provide better care for our cows, enhance our services, and continue following the teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad.

Join us in this noble cause by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word about Jagannath cow care. Thank you for your support!